Monday, June 21, 2010


Life has been a little dull since graduating/being in school and planning the wedding - even though I hate ever admitting to being bored. But compared to a time where I was overwhelmingly busy, anything would seem a little stale.

I babysit, take care of my home & go to church. I feel like my whole life is on hold, revolving around starting a career right now, looking for something to establish myself...It definitely doesn't help with those annoying questions everyone seems to be asking me constantly; "what do you plan on doing with your degree? What CAN you do with it?", "When are you getting a real job?", "What are your plans for the future?" It's all just a little daunting.

I have a purpose. But I feel pulled in so many different directions...I think I may just stop searching for things that end up being less-than-perfect right now & start my own couple projects in what I want to do in the mean time.

There's a plan for me, I know.

I'm just getting a bit restless.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Haven't really updated this in a while...

But here we are, almost 6 months or so from my last post on here. I definitely need to get better at this...

I turn 23 in 5 days.
I get married in 8 days.
I will be in the Bahamas in 9 days.
I graduate from Herron in exactly 1 month & 7 days.

Life is good based on those things alone.